BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""
BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""


Agenda Item:
• Menstrual Justice The Care Crisis
• The Implementation of The Purple Economy
Co-Under Secretaries General: Selin Ayaz & Atahan Akçalı
Academic Assistant: Duru Yavuz
UN WOMEN will be tackling menstrual justice and the care crisis. All over the world, menstruation is stigmatized because of social taboo, people who menstruate are taught to experience it with shame and often do not have access to the needed resources to manage their menstrual health safely. As a result, period poverty is a struggle for many menstruating individuals. The delegates will try to find ways to systematically reduce menstrual injustice. Our second agenda is the care crisis and the implementation of the purple economy. Traditionally, women do most of the care work in the household, they take care of the children, the disabled and the elderly; they clean and cook. When a modern woman from an economically developed country joins the workforce, the care work still has to be performed and it is still left to a woman to fill this spot, specifically an immigrant woman from a less economically developed country, so that the care deficit’s needs are met. Thus, this participation of modern women from more economically developed countries in the workforce cannot be considered a gender revolution, as it simply replaces one woman with another woman. The purple economy, developed by Prof. Dr. İpek İlkkaracan, offers an economic model to reduce women’s unpaid care work and provide equal opportunities for their participation in the market sphere. Delegates will discuss the wide-ranging effects of the care crisis and how the purple economy can be implemented to perhaps solve this pressing issue.