BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""
BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""


"Bridging the Gap"
Letter from Secretary-General
Most Esteemed Participants,
On behalf of the Academic and Organization teams of Boğaziçi Model United Nations 2023 Conference and the Model United Nations Subcommittee of the Boğaziçi University Debate Society, it is my utmost honor and pleasure to welcome you all as the Secretary-General of the 5th edition of one of the most prestigious conferences in Turkey, Boğaziçi MUN 2023. We hope that you decide to join us in this journey and honor us with your presence on February 2nd-5th, 2023 at our beautiful campus in Istanbul, Turkey.
My name is Şebnem Yaren. Currently, I am a 4th year Management student with a minor in Political Science & International Relations at Boğaziçi University. I have been a part of Boğaziçi MUN since the beginning of my university life, and I gladly took part in all the endeavors that we set off to. Today, despite the pandemic and all the misfortunes that we have recently faced, I am incredibly delighted to see that our society grew to be what it is today. Hence, it is my greatest honor to be serving our MUN society as the Secretary-General of our esteemed conference. During the four days of our conference, both our Academic and Organization Teams will be doing their best to provide you with the most fulfilling conference experience in every aspect possible.
This edition of the Boğaziçi MUN Conference is special for us all, since it will be the first four-day physical conference we will hold without any limitations since the pandemic hit. Therefore, we have gathered and exceptional academic team ready to give you the all-around diplomatic experience of the UN with such excellence. We aim to provide all our participants with the best diplomatic grounds for negotiation, elaboration, and solution. We will be doing everything in our power to ensure that both all our participants, and the Academic and Organizational Teams excel in their practices. To further guarantee an outstandingly professional MUN experience, we will work tirelessly to find and incorporate the most willing, and professional applicants in our conference. Needless to say; with such promising participants, Boğaziçi MUN 2023 will surely be an unforgettable conference for all of you, our esteemed guests.
As I’ve stated before, we have had, in the simplest terms, probably the hardest two years that we could have experienced in our lifetimes. However, as humanity, we have also shown how strong, connected, and resilient we could be towards something that threatens all of us. United Nations’ motto is “Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.”, and this could only be achieved if we work together fruitfully, just like how we did during this pandemic. As the Boğaziçi MUN family, we would like you to demonstrate these cooperation skills with each other, communicate effectively, work efficiently, tirelessly, passionately; and cooperate respectfully. In the 5th edition of the Boğaziçi MUN conference, we want you to excel in your diplomatic skills, cooperative mindset, and creativity; so to reach comprehensive and satisfactory results in the matters of our world, which can usually prove to be very dividing and pressing. In short terms, we wish you to “Bridge the Gap” in the best way you can.
For this purpose, we have created six marvelous committees that serve the concept that we wanted to cover in this edition. Our committees are going to be executed by a group of the finest individuals in the Turkish MUN community. In the preparation of this conference, along with our beloved Academic Team, I owe my Deputy-Secretaries General Mr. Kaan Ertan and Mr. Zühtü Anıl Tutar enourmous gratitude for their assistance and cooperation in every aspect of preparing this conference, despite all the hardships and their busy schedules.
We hope that you are as excited as we are to have one of the best four days in a Model UN conference, together!
With sincere appreciation,
Şebnem Yaren
Secretary-General of Boğaziçi MUN 2023
BUDS MUN Subcommittee
Boğaziçi University Model United Nations Subcommittee (Boğaziçi MUN, BUDS MUN) is an official student subcommittee responsible for the administration and organization of Model UN-related activities within Boğaziçi University. Boğaziçi MUN Subcommittee has actively been operating under Boğaziçi University Debate Society (BUDS) ever since its foundation in 2017.
Our Vision and Mission
As the subcommittee of Boğaziçi Model United Nations, our primary goal is not only to revolutionize the world of Model UN but also to preserve its traditions. The reason behind this mindset is being able to reach more and more people by adapting ourselves to today’s world and enriching them with the longstanding traditional value of the United Nations.
To achieve our goals, we relentlessly work for the betterment of the Model UN community by attending and contributing to the other Model UN conferences and organizations, training future diplomats and organizers, organizing Boğaziçi MUN conference every year since 2019, publishing our monthly bulletin PRESENT, and much more!
Our Plans for This Year
Boğaziçi MUN ‘23
The fifth edition of our conference will take place on 2-5 February, at Boğaziçi University. Further information about the conference regarding schedule, pricing details, logistics, committees, and applications will be announced soon. To keep up with any such news, please keep following our social media accounts and this website to receive any updates.
Present Bulletin
PRESENT Bulletin has entered the new academic year with renewed vigor and a brand-new release schedule! PRESENT is no longer released monthly; articles are instead released more frequently, in smaller numbers. Furthermore, articles have become shorter, more compact, and even higher quality.
For the upcoming year, we are planning to maintain this policy of enriching our content, as well as inviting others to contribute to this project. If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact us at Find out more at