BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""
BoğaziçiMUN 2020
"Bridging the Gap""


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will not directly be able to offer accommodation for delegates during Boğaziçi MUN ‘23. However, there may be places with Boğaziçi MUN ’23 discount for our participants which will is expected to be revealed in January. In that case our participants will be contacted. Members of the Academic Team (including Academic Assistants but not the members of Chair Boards), Organization Team, and Administrative Staff may be provided with accommodation depending on availability and demand.
More detailed information will be shared at a later date; stay tuned to find out.
The Boğaziçi MUN '23 Organization Team will provide transportation options at necessary times within the venue. We shall also provide means of transportation between the venue and the social event(s) for participants who wish to attend.
More detailed information will be made available as the specifics of the venue & schedule are announced; stay tuned to find out.