In this section, the declarations, agreements, and resolutions concerning the international community are analyzed in depth.

Human Trafficking: Not a New, But a Crucial Issue
İdil Çakmut
Sitting on our comfortable couches, laying down on our beds thinking we are safe and sound, but are we really? In a world where annually circa 1,000,000 people, 27% being children, are being kidnapped, pressured, tortured, and trafficked from one continent to another, how can we be 100% sure that we will not be the next? This vast humanitarian crisis is in urgent need of more attention, and thus, we are here to shed light on this topic and voice the unheard.

Minimum Wage Arguments: Is Surviving Affordable?
Hülya AFAT
The world has been going through a pandemic and an economic crisis simultaneously for the past year. As we all experienced and observed which jobs are essential for the survival of society, we also realized that most of the essential workers are paid minimum wage. Minimum wage is defined as "the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period, which cannot be reduced by collective agreement or an individual contract" (1); however, it is most likely to be the expected wage in an entry-level job or jobs that do not require "high-skills". Unexpectedly, many countries are adjusting their minimum wages since 2020.

The Greatest Strike Ever: Indian Workers’ Strike
Recep Eren DURGUT
The working class emerged from the industrial revolution in the late 18th century. As the industrial revolution brought new definitions, new global rules have also emerged. By the 20th century, human rights issues became one of the most important goals of the industrialized civilization. And perhaps the most fundamental right for a worker is the strike action right. Today, we will examine the greatest strike ever, the Indian Workers’ Strike.

Inequality Series Part 3: Income Inequality and Gender Wage Gap
Hülya AFAT
Different jobs pay different wages, hence, there is income inequality in the world. Of course, it is not that simple and there are many factors that create this inequality. We discussed the history and the current status of capitalism and neoliberalism many times on PRESENT, in this article, we will look at the unjust part of this system in two parts: Income inequality on a global and national level, Gender wage gap on a global level.

Human Development Index: What is it? What does it do? and Is it Enough?
You probably heard the term Human Development Index or its abbreviation HDI before but what does it really mean? HDI is an annually conducted index released by the United Nations Development Programme or UNDP for short. The original creator of the index however is Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and he says that he created it "to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people-centered policies''.

Inequality Series 2: Racial Inequality
For the second article of our inequality series, we will be covering racial inequality and we will try to handle topics such as its history, how it got legitimized through time, and what it is and what it is not.

Inequality Series Part 1: Gender Inequality
Political equality refers to the state of each member or group in a society holding equal standing in terms of social, legal, and economic rights. While the concept itself is easy to understand, it is certainly proving to be difficult to uphold even in the countries with the most developed sense of human rights.

Understanding The Purpose and Inner Workings of the World Bank
If you are one of the countless people on Earth who follow international politics on a regular basis but does not go out of their way to research what each economic institution on the news is trying to accomplish, you probably do not have much clue about the purpose and the inner workings of the World Bank or IMF.

Abortion Bills Around the World
On April 15, Polish law-makers started to work on new legislation which would ban abortion in the case of fetal abnormalities. In a country which already strict rules while allowing abortions, only in the cases of rape, danger to the mother's health or life, or severe damage to the fetus, this meant criminalization of abortion nearly altogether.

Environmental Effects of Meat Production: How Our Dietary Choices Affect the Planet
The livestock industry rapidly grew up after the 2000s, along with the meat consumption. That meant farms needed more space in order to raise their cattle. Currently 5.1 billion ha (equal to 51 million km2) of land is used for agriculture only.

Are Immigrants Stealing Jobs?
We do not choose where we are born or the circumstances of the land we are born to. By pure luck, some people are born in richer, more developed countries, while most people are born into poverty and human rights crises. It is no surprise then, that these people would want a chance to move and start a new life in one of those more well-adjusted worlds. And sometimes, some people just like to move, simply because they would prefer to live somewhere else. Those who move to a different country in order to obtain a residence permit or citizenship at their new location are called immigrants.

COVID-19 Presses Pause on Schools, Girls Get Affected the Most
COVID-19 forces children out of school in 185 countries for who knows how long, but girls from marginalized communities may not even be able to go back. For girls who live in less developed countries, going to school is not a new struggle. Already having lower rates of enrolment to secondary education compared to boys, it can be estimated that rates will drop down further, as families get affected economically as an outcome of coronavirus.

Antitrust Laws and Capitalism: The Free Market Dystopia
Hülya AFAT
A market is a place where people gather to purchase items, it also means the composition of the institutions and parties engage in exchange. The free market is a state of the market where there is no government intervention, nor regulations. Antitrust laws are the regulatory mechanisms and codes created by the governments for the markets in order to protect the consumers from unfair trades. In this article, I will explain the relation between the market mechanism and the government, and the inevitable failure of the free market in a world without perfect information.

Access to COVID Vaccines:
Universal Healthcare’s Time to Shine
Alp Ünal AYHAN
The COVID-19 pandemic is still in (almost) full effect throughout the world and contagion of the disease is getting out of control in many countries. Reopening efforts gave the virus more opportunities to spread while the “new normal” standards proved ineffective in preventing infections.

A More Equal World for Everyone: Feminism
Didem ÖZÇAKIR & Hülya AFAT
All human beings are equal and therefore should have equal rights, everyone can agree on that statement. However, when someone expresses that they are a feminist, that is a political and radicalizing statement. Women expressing concern about their own freedom has always seen as threatening behavior.

The Evolution of Passports
One thing that COVID’19 pandemic definitely reminded us of, is how valuable our right of movement is. No matter if we travel for work-related purposes or for recreational purposes, it is a luxury and inseparable part of the 21st century. But how did people use to travel internationally in the past?

10 Years to Save the World: The Green New Deal
Alp Ünal AYHAN
It is widely known by now that humans cause climate change. UN’s International Panel on Climate Change reckoned that "human influence on climate has been the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century " in a 2018 report. The same report also concluded that a reduction of 40-60% of carbon emissions has to be accomplished by 2030 and we should achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Universal Basic Income: Need or Fantasy?
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a proposed social policy in which each citizen receives a set amount of monthly income that covers the costs of their basic needs. The main difference between UBI and Welfare is that UBI is for everyone, it has no conditions, and it cannot be taken away. Sounds too good to ever become a reality?