Simple Ways of Achieving Inner Peace
Aren't you enthusiastic when you buy a new mobile phone, computer, or simply a new technological device anymore? Do you feel “strange” after having fun with your best friends? Or do you think that you are not happy despite doing your most favorite activities? If your answers are “yes,” you are not alone.

5 LGBTQI+ Movies That Deserve Your Attention
Şebnem YAREN
This is a naked and shadowy gay love story from the beautiful and talented eyes of the Chinese auteur Kar-Wai Wong, Happy Together. This aggressive and chunky film observes the relationship of two queer men Lai Yiu-Fai (Tony Leung) and Ho Po-wing (Leslie Chung), who flee from Hong Kong to Argentina, where their relationship faces many troubles.

Déjavu, Dreams, Subconscious: Mysterious Human Mind
The human mind has been a focal point of research for many scientists throughout history. It always intrigued so many questions: How does it function? Does it have any limits? Do our dreams send messages about our future? Is déjavu a sign of past life?... Well, as humankind, we still cannot fully define and explain our conscious and subconscious minds and their concepts, but we managed to collect some useful data that might help us through our journey of interpreting the human mind.

Why We Should Not Get Used To The “New Normal”
One big year ago, a global pandemic had begun. Healthcare systems were tested, economies were shut down, and most importantly over 2 million people died. This situation has changed nearly all human habits. For instance, today, nobody can imagine going outside without a mask except for only the conspiracy theorists and some ignorant people.

Self-Improvement: Advice or Experience?
Duygu Bayram
With growing financial insecurity, diminishing job prospects, increasing demands of skills from one person, self-improvement seems to be the newest fad. Considering our conditions, it was almost inevitable that this would become one of the driving philosophies people live by.

How to Spend Holiday Breaks Efficiently (From Your Room)
Begüm Güven
Another school semester has passed, though this was not an ordinary one. School busses and cafeteria food were replaced by zoom meetings and take-home exams. We were also mostly indoors and this fact still holds true for this holiday. Yet these breaks are for a change in our routine. Then the question is, how can we destress with these constraints put upon us?

New Year’s Resolutions and Hopes
Keep your Christmas trees and presents ready, a new year just has come! Maybe you found your love, started a new university or discovered a new hobby but it is time to celebrate the ending of 2020.

How to Make the Most of Online Gatherings
As we enter the month of December and approach the end of the year, most of us will be taking some time in this month to reflect on our experience of 2020. And I know for a fact that we all will say that it has been quite the crazy year, even if you discount the elephant in the room, a.k.a the pandemic.

A Guide to Socializing at University
Şebnem YAREN
Hi there, fellow introverts! Time to face your fears :)Today we will talk about one of the most challenging parts of starting university, socializing. No matter how positive and flourishing it may seem, moving on from one chapter of our lives to another can be hard. It is human nature to adapt and adjust to certain surroundings, so when we change what/who we are comfortable around, it inevitably creates a shock for our mind and body.

Getting the Best of Online Education in 5 Steps
Unfortunately, many schools had to switch to online education due to the ongoing pandemic. We tried to continue our departments online for a semester and most of us felt that we could not learn anything. A concept called "online graduate" was created to make fun of the fact that people did not understand the lessons in virtual classes. Memes were made to show how online graduates would fail in their work. Even though this is the case, it seems like we do not have any chance to switch to face-to-face traditional education for a while.

8 Fruitful Tips For Freshmen
Ümit Altar BİNİCİ
If you are reading this you probably have graduated from high school and successfully got into a university. If so, then congratulations! However, contrary to popular belief, university is only the beginning to an ages long work life, and the most important one at that. Therefore, you should construct your academic and social life accordingly throughout those years.

Think Ahead: Achieving Success and Happiness
Ümit Altar BİNİCİ
In Turkey, placement results for the Higher Education Foundation Examination (YKS) have been announced fairly recently. Students, alumni, and even teachers entered the examination in order to try out their chances. Some were satisfied with the results, while some others were not that much.

Future Anxiety
Şebnem YAREN
Hey there! Sorry to break it to you, but this month’s Present & Chill may not necessarily ‘chill’ you out. However, it is a topic that needs to be discussed from time to time, especially in our generation, and that is future anxiety. Whether you are enrolled in a university, a high school or middle school right now, you have received some type of education throughout most of your life. This path of constant education that we are receiving is designed to lead us all to somewhere in life, it is specifically planned out for us to have the necessary qualities to obtain a ‘job’ in the future.

Productivity & Chill
Şebnem YAREN
The Coronavirus crisis is probably the only crisis that has affected every single person on the planet in a long time. This means that all 7.3 Billion people are going through the same thing at the same time.