Certain subjects share common fields of study, and we handpick a topic from their crossover. In this section, we elaborate on the chosen topic from the perspectives of the both subjects.

Industrialization of Hunger: Homemade vs. Fast Food
Hülya AFAT
Hunger is one of the fundamental needs of any living being. Before the specialization wave of the Industrialized World, home-cooked meals were the norm. As of now, the existence of the fast foods sector shows how far we have gone from the simple act of sustaining our bodies. It is clear that capitalism successfully profits from the most basic need of our bodies as it does from anything else.

Futurism of the Early 20th Century against the Dystopian Pessimism of the Early 21st Century
Mert Cengiz
The year 2000 and the new millennium… These words and phrases were used to define the beginning of the 21st century by people living in the previous centuries. They believed that the year 2000 would initiate new developments and humanity would flourish in all aspects. They assumed that humanity would be more and more futuristic if it prospers, yet this was not true. Today, we are not looking at the future optimistically like our ancestors. In fact, not surprisingly, dystopian pessimism appears in contemporary societies because of some reasons.

Modern and Postmodern Architecture
Mert Cengiz
Throughout history, people have constructed buildings for their needs. Unlike many other needs, construction, or more specifically architecture, is considered as an art form. Generally, needs appear only for us to survive; however, architecture differs from the other needs as it has an artistic and aesthetic aspect. Buildings reveal the conditions of their construction and years views of life.

Futurism of the Early 20th Century against the Dystopian Pessimism of the Early 21st Century
The year 2000 and the new millennium… These words and phrases were used to define the beginning of the 21st century by people living in the previous centuries. They believed that the year 2000 would initiate new developments and humanity would flourish in all aspects. They assumed that humanity would be more and more futuristic if it prospers, yet this was not true.

NFTs: WTF & Are They Ever Useful?
In the early days of the internet, many things that are not free today were free. YouTube did not shove ads in your face, social media did not invent new ways to manipulate you into seeing more promoted content every other day. It was mainly a shared community, sure it was sometimes chaotic and utterly disappointing if you occasionally came across the worst of humanity, but it was more or less silently agreed upon that people were there as a hobby.

Geography and Culture: Cultural Interaction of Societies
Dictionaries define the word culture as “the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time.” Since geographical factors shape the way of life dramatically, mentioning the definition of the word geography, which is “the way all the parts of an area are arranged within it,” would be very important.
That culture and geography have a relationship with one another sounds quite interesting; nevertheless, it is true.

Elon Musk: A Genius Pioneer or a Capitalist Thief?
The name Elon Musk is now known throughout the world as the leading figure in space travel and electric cars. He became the richest person this year and as of now the title often changes between him and Jeff Bezos with no clear winner. Alongside his popularity, fame, and fortune, the names of his two companies in these fields -which are SpaceX and Tesla respectively- have become almost synonymous with the names of the scientific fields themselves.

The Reality of Percentage Bullying: The Unseen Dangers of Associating Percentages with Facts
Despite making up only 13% of the general population, African-Americans are responsible for 50% of all violent crime committed in the United States. Although none of us is a racist here, it sounds like a pretty damning case against Black people, does it not? No matter how you feel about the issue, you cannot deny that Black people just seem to have a knack for violence. After all, what argument can you present against cold, hard facts?

Has It Ever Crossed Your Mind: Carbon Footprint Of The Internet
As of March 2020, COVID-19 lockdowns have been affecting people’s lives in many ways, especially moving from workplaces and schools to homes. It is no surprise that there has been an increase in internet traffic since then, considering the amount of time everyone spends video conferencing weekdays and constantly binging on new Netflix series. Recent study from Purdue University estimated the carbon footprint of the internet’s data storage, transmission, and use, along with its land, water footprints too, analyzing its environmental impacts.

Economics and Climate Change: Cap and Trade
Didem Özçakır
Climate change is perhaps the most important but disregarded problem we have in today’s world. To combat it, we need to decrease our level of carbon emissions. To achieve this, we have different policy alternatives. In trying to reduce the carbon emission up to a certain level, two methods deliver a result in which carbon emissions can be reduced with the lowest cost possible: carbon taxation and cap and trade. Both methods have their ups and downs.

Valentine's Day: A Win For Love Or A Trap Of Capitalism
Didem Özçakır
Every year on the 14th of February we can not escape all the couples around us, holding hands in streets which are decorated with red hearts. Like it or not, Valentine’s day exists, and puts an expectation on couples to show their affection and love. While doing this, buying presents, flowers or chocolates comes automatically. What is all this fuss about?

Celebration and Religion: The Two Sides of the Peace Medallion
Hülya Afat & Recep Eren Durgut
With the new year has recently begun, we passed a very festive period of the year. Unlike any other celebrations, almost every country celebrates the new year at the same time. When we talk about celebration, culture and religion come to mind first as the basis of traditions.

Eating Disorders: Deeper Than Meets The Eye
Food is the thing we eat to get calories, to fill our bodies with nutrients so that we can keep on living. However, we adhere much more meaning to it that the first and primary reason that we consume food seems irrelevant.

A New Era of Automation
Nowadays, there are plenty of doomsday predictions to go around. These can range from nuclear wars to asteroids. The fast development of artificial intelligence is a commonly discussed worry among these predictions even by professionals.

The Various Qualities of Politics in New Media: Political Content on YouTube
Ever since its surge of popularity in the early 2010s, YouTube has been an important forum for people to express their various thoughts and opinions about a plethora of topics. Of course, it is not perfectly analogous to a public forum, it is owned by a private company after all.

How Gaming Acts A Gateway Into the Alt-Right for Distressed Gamers
If you have no prior experience with this particular topic, the title might have surprised you a little. After all, it suggests that the gaming community might be some form of an enabler for some people to fall into the claws of alt-right ideas. For the uninitiated, the idea possibly sounds ridiculous. Unless you buy into the lies and exaggerations of those who claim video games are the main cause of the violence that they, again, the claim is rising, you probably do not have a particularly negative opinion of video games.

Stories of Many: Malala and Women in Revolution
Hülya AFAT
As long as the authority figures existed, disagreements towards them existed too. Revolutions are the result of these disagreements between the authorities and the masses ruled by them. Throughout history, women have had active roles during the history-changing revolutions. Since the times we are living through right now are history-in-making and very pivotal for the future of the human civilization, I had the urge to talk about today’s revolutions and their powerful women leaders.

The Economy of Climate Change
The universe we live in often rests on a careful balance, however chaotic it may look from the outside. The existence of life is dependent on an even more ordered balance as we need certain conditions to keep existing. This balance is usually not threatened by the living themselves because we tend to fit into nature in order to exist; however, recently, humanity has been visibly proud of its quest to conquer nature and to bend it to its will. While it was not necessarily intentional, we have declared a war against nature when we stopped being restricted by it and began using certain limited resources without any limitations.

Disparity of Technology Between Generations
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, every generation has been born into a world more technologically advanced compared to the ones that came before them. This is understandable as the knowledge and technology we possess as humanity increases it becomes easier to attain new knowledge and technology.

Limits of Our Mind: Bounded Rationality
How rational are we in the modern world? Since the enlightenment, thinkers, and scientists have held the view that humans are rational actors. They thought that humans were, by nature, rational creatures who could make their decisions using their reason. All human beings were considered possessing similar faculties of reason.

Music and Economics: Thinking Music as an Industry
When we think about music, we are inclined to think of it as a form of art. In reality, music is something that we consume, and what we listen to is determined by the dynamics of the free market. Open your favorite playlist and think: Would you be able to find these songs if they were not properly advertised or would they give the same taste if they were not recorded using the latest technology?

Data, Privacy, and Science: Future of The Human Civilization
Hülya AFAT
Data processing has been the main accelerator of modern science in the last five decades. As much as the social sciences, data processing is used by the big corporations and the advertisement agencies since the internet became the core marketplace. There are some cases that the privacy of internet users was invaded by big corporations to make profits.
Political Correctness: Where Linguistics and Politics Meet
Boran GÖHER & Ümit Altar BİNİCİ
Almost every culture had groups it considered as “outsiders” or “the others”. Considering that people have a great tendency to ridicule, demean, or otherwise insult these outcast groups, it is no surprise that many words and phrases have appeared in various languages to serve this exact purpose.