TRIVIAL: Movies and TV

Still There For Us: Friends Reunion
Movies & TV
Friends is an American TV series that aired on NBC from 1994 to 2004. These ten years of journey of 6 friends, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, Ross, spread over the world and became legendary. It would be fair to state that it is the most famous sitcom series globally and inspired many others in the following years. Even though the show ended 17 years ago, its fame did not fade away even a little, and many fans still watch it worldwide.

Can Bollywood Be An Alternative For Hollywood?
Movies & TV
Have you heard about Bollywood (yes, not Hollywood)? You have presumably heard Hollywood, the most significant film industry in the USA; however, Bollywood may seem relatively unfamiliar. Bollywood is a part of the Indian cinema industry and followed by many people worldwide like Hollywood despite its unpopularity. Since masses follow these two cinema industries, an important question should be asked: “Can Bollywood be an alternative for Hollywood?”

Biohackers: Science Gone Wrong
Movies & TV
Netflix has become almost an indispensable part of our lives for watching movies, documentaries, and series with various topics. The platform also offers original shows that are produced by different countries. Biohackers is one of these original shows from Germany. The series consists of 6 episodes for now, but the second season will be available on Netflix soon. The story of this series is based on biomedicine and some possible ethical problems that can occur during biomedical studies.

Dickinson Versus Bridgerton
Şebnem YAREN
Movies & TV
Dickinson and Bridgerton. Two sensational shows that were introduced to the world recently. If you have a Netflix subscription, odds are you have probably heard about or seen the latter, Bridgerton. Bridgerton has acquired massive media attention after the release of its first season on Netflix in late December of 2020.

Canceled “Dangerous” Netflix Shows: The Society, Sense8, The Get Down
Movies & TV
Providing easy access to watch movies and shows in any language, anytime and anywhere Netflix is a platform loved and used by 193 million people all around the world. Adding hundreds of shows to its platform every year, Netflix offers a vast collection of movies, series, reality shows, and many more. However, most Netflix Original Shows do not last longer than two seasons.

The Crown: The Debate Surrounding The Series and The Monarchy
Movies & TV
The Crown, one of Netflix's most successful series of all time, has evolved into a classic over the years. With its exquisite cast, costumes, and music, the production had won 68 different awards and had 178 nominations since 2016. The series’ main plot is the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Beginning from the 1940s, starting from the Queen’s accession, it depicts the era’s political rivalries, personal relationships, and significant events.

Bir Başkadır: An Accurate Reflection or Another Stereotypical Approach?
İdil Çakmut
Movies & TV
Bir Başkadır, one of the latest productions of Netflix Turkey, written and directed by Berkun Oya, had created great controversy among the audience. While some praised the series for its unique camera work, acting, and scenario, some badly criticized it for being incapable of displaying the Turkish society with all of its aspects and putting certain people under a specific mold.

Veep and Four Seasons Total Landscaping: Politic Satire Became Reality Show
Hülya AFAT
Movies & TV
On November 7, shortly after the four-day-long vote-counting process resulted in Joe Biden being called as president-elect, President Trump tweeted that his team would hold a press conference at “Four Seasons Philadelphia”, to announce their lawsuits regarding the recounts in several flipped states.

Breaking The Fourth Wall
Movies & TV
On Netflix’s new film based on a book, Enola Holmes, we are welcomed by the main character in the very first minutes. She looks straight to the lens and starts to tell her story directly to the audience, us. An unusual way to start, but still a fairly used method in movies: Breaking the fourth wall. The history goes as far as Ancient Greece when the first examples of theatrical plays took part. Still, in modern-day plays and musicals, it is very common for the fictional characters to refer and/or talk to the audience.

Disney's Live-Action Mulan and the Controversies Surrounding It
Movies & TV
Disney added another remake of a memorable cartoon to their list, and the live-action remake was released in Disney+ on September 4th. Official trailers for the movie were published in December 2019, and the movie was initially planned to meet the audience on March 24th, however, it had to be postponed several times throughout the year because of “who shall not be named”. Finally announced with a date, the movie received serious complaints from the fans; you had to pay an extra 30$ to play the movie in addition to the monthly price of Disney+. This was not even the first nor the biggest issue with the film.

Questioning Our Morality Through TV Shows: Ethics in Technology Era
Movies & TV
TV Shows are not cheesy timekillers as some people make them out to be at least not all of them. Some TV Shows are capable of tackling moral questions or even create their own interpretation of the afterlife even though how blasphemous that can be to some people. There are three particular TV shows which displayed a great success on what we mentioned previously. These are Black Mirror, The Good Place, and Upload. All of these shows are great series standalone but when you dissect them and see how they are actually pretty interconnected you will see much more.

How Did NBC Become the Pillar of Comedy in the US and the World?
Şebnem YAREN
Movies & TV
The National Broadcasting Company (NBC), the oldest broadcasting network in the United States, has been in Americans’ lives since the 1920s. It started off as a radio program originating from New York City and transitioned into a television broadcasting company in 1939. Although NBC was primarily envisioned to serve as an informational outlet, the network gained its stronghold in the industry with its entertainment-oriented efforts which essentially formed the blueprint for American television comedy.
May the 4th Be With You: Star Wars and the Vietnam War
Ümit Altar BİNİCİ & Kaan ERTAN
Movies & TV
Happy May 4th to all the PRESENT readers! No matter if you watched “A New Hope” in 1977 in a movie theatre or watched it on your tv, you are a part of the huge Star Wars fan community, which sprawls from generations to generations.